My name is Caz and I have dedicated the past 25 years to studying health and well-being, and working with clients to help them find balance and health in their lives.
I apply many aspects of the pilates philosophy to my own life, and my passion is being able to share and teach this to my clients. I do this in both a formal framework, as an Accredited Course Provider, but also everyday in individual and class environments (live and online) where I am able to share knowledge to clients about their body, movement and mindfulness.
I see the need to be versatile, holistic and flexible with every client’s needs. Respecting the individual nature of each client, and tailoring the right combination to suit their needs - maybe it’s Pilates, a walk/run, massage or a combination.
Please call 0418565436 or email caz@halexhale.com.au to find out more.

Advanced Diploma of the Pilates Method (PITC)
Diploma of Remedial Massage (College of Health)
Diploma of Wellness, health and vitality (AIPC)
Bachelor of Communication (University of Canberra)
Master Chi Running / Walking Instructor (Chi Living, New York)
Certified Yoga Teacher (Yoga Lyfe, Melbourne)
Principal Trainer Level for Pilates Alliance (Cert 4 in Training and Assessment)