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My name is Caz and I have dedicated the past 25 years to studying health and well-being, and working with clients to help them find balance and health in their lives.


I apply many aspects of the pilates philosophy to my own life, and my passion is being able to share and teach this to my clients. I do this in both a formal framework, as an Accredited Course Provider, but also everyday in  individual and class environments (live and online) where I am able to share knowledge to clients about their body, movement and mindfulness. 


I see the need to be versatile, holistic and flexible with every client’s needs.  Respecting the individual nature of each client, and tailoring the right combination to suit their needs - maybe it’s Pilates, a walk/run, massage or a combination.


Please call 0418565436 or email to find out more.

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  • Advanced  Diploma of the Pilates Method (PITC)

  • Diploma of Remedial Massage (College of Health)

  • Diploma of Wellness, health and vitality (AIPC)

  • Bachelor of Communication (University of Canberra)

  • Master Chi Running / Walking Instructor  (Chi Living, New York)

  • Certified Yoga Teacher (Yoga Lyfe, Melbourne)

  • Principal Trainer Level for Pilates Alliance (Cert 4 in Training and Assessment)

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